Tuesday, 2 December 2008



What is a painting ? a painting is a graphic art consisting of an artistic compositition made by applying paints to a surface. The surface can be a canvas, cloth, leather, wall or others.

There are many types of painting, generally, they are a landscape, a portrait, a still life, a real life, and religious one.

§ A landscape I an outdoor scen. A landscape artis uses paints to create non only land, water and clouds, but also air, wind and sunlight.

§ A portrait is an image of a person or an animal. Besides showing what someone looks like, a portrait often captures a mood or personality.

§ A still life shows objects, such as flowers, food or musical instruments. A still life reveals an artist’s skill in painting shapes, light and shadow.

§ A real scene captures life in action. It can show a busy street, a beach party, a dinner gathering or any place else where living goes on.

§ Religious work of art shares a religious message. It may prtray a sacred story or express an artist’s faith.

However, some painting combine types. For example, a portrait might also include details of a still life.

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