Monday, 1 September 2008

The study of students learning motivation

The study of students learning motivation

  1. Meaning of learning motivation

Learning motivation consist of two word, learn and motivation. They have difference in meaning, the first point the writer want to definite the meaning of motivation as follow according to Mc Donald motivation is an energy change within the person characterized by effective arousal an anticipatory goal (Dr. Hamalik : 2003 : 106) and learn according to geoch is a change in performance as a result of practice (Sardiman : 2005 : 21). From both definition the writwe conclude that learning motivation is an energy within the person in performance by practicing learning motivationmay came from student themselves base on the necessaries, motivation and there are purpose of studies that chaled instrinsic motivation but motivation may caused of stimulate and pressure from out giving present, punishment, wishes, this motivation called exstrinsic motivation.

By giving motivation to the student,it purpose to motivation the students doing or want to do something, the student want to do something because they feel there are necessaries factors. The motivation isn’t our characteristic/nature but the motivation is a result of the lerning process, kinds of learning will establish how long the motivation can hod out (harlock, 1978 : 116). The motivation don’t arouse suddenly, according to Poerwanto to motivation arouse from the general tendencies to observe and use the environment from experiences (Poerwanto, 1991 : 55-56)

  1. Kind of motivation

Motivation saw from the base of it’s build

a. Natural motivation

Ntural motivation is a motive by someone from he /she was born, so this motivation without be learned for exam eating motive drinking motive and so on. Because the motive related to the biologist motive is called physiological drives.

b. Learned motive

Learned motivation is a motive got by someone by learning for example motivation of learn, teach this motive intricately to of social motive because related to the social environment but according to Frandsen this motive called facilitative med because with relation skill, team work in community wil reach self satisfaction, so people need to improve their cooperative build a good relation each other.

  1. How to encourage the motivation at school

In the school the student should established the motivation of their student, there are many ways how to encourage motivation as follow:

a. Giving score

In learning the students usually hoped to get a good value or score the teach should influence their student to study hard in order they get a good score, and teacher will give a good score for however that study hard. The misusage in giving score will drop the motivation of students.

b. Giving praise and prize

By giving praise to the some one it can attract students to study hard and the prize that giving by teacher ti their students should be appropriate and the prize as a positive reinforcement and also a motivation for them.

c. Punishment

Punishment as a negative reinforcement but if it gift appropriately and wisw it can motivate the student be better, so that teacher must know when he she give the punishment and the teacher have to know oauthority relationship between teacher and student. Someone can influence ither people motivation if he/she has social authority (French and Raven, 1959).

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