Sunday 24 August 2008

The definition of teaching style variations

The definition of teaching style variations

a. According to Uzer Usman,variation is a teacher activity in a learning and teaching process to overcome the student’s boredom as the main purpose,so students will be able to show their diligence,enthusiasm and also full of participation in the learning and teaching process.(Usman,1995:76)

b. According to Abu Ahmadi teaching style is all about the teacher’s behaviour,attitude,and action in a learning and teaching process.

c. According to Abdul dadir Munsyi,teaching style is the teacher’s styles which are done when he/she is teaching in front of the class.(Zaini,1984:97)

d. According to Syahminan Zaini,teaching style is the teacher’s style or behavior as an expression of her/his personality to give the lesson for her/his students.

From the definitions above,we can take a conclusion that the teaching style variation is a modification of the teacher’s behaviour,attitude and action in a learning and teaching process to overcome the student’s boredom as the main purpose,so the student’s will have a high interest in their lesson.

And this can be established by their diligence,enthusiasm and activism in studying and joining in their lesson in class. A student can not forced to concentrate his attention on his studies continuously,especially if the teacher can not make any variations or monotonous on his teaching which can cause less attention,getting sleepy and bored of the student.A variation is necessary to overcome the student’s boredom.There are three aspect of skills to make a variation in a learning and teaching process,that are:(1).Teaching style variation,(2).Media using variation,(3).Variation of the interaction between teachers and students.(Djamarah,2000:124)

From those three aspects,the writer will only discuss about the teaching style variation.This variation comprises of: sound variation,body movements or facial expressions,view contact,emphasizing or silence,replacement or teacher position.It is expected that the using of this teaching style method can arouse the student’s interest in study,increase the student’s attention and the learning and teaching process will be more dynamic.

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