Friday 25 July 2008

Malang Town

Malang Town

century END ke-18, Town Worse Malang is selected meneer en mevrouw sir alias and Dutch lady becomes resort. Besides because Malang is town closest from plantation in vinicity area, this town of course it is good to becomes place of rest cure. Its(the situation at height of 440 to 667 metre gives cold atmosphere with temperature average of 24,5 degree Celciuses. Not to mention existence of beautiful view from Gunung Semeru, Kawi, Arjuna, and mountain top Tengger.

Even during the period Malang gets epithet Zwitserland of wide Indonesiian have 110,06 kilometre square, Worse luck grows to become the biggest town second in East Java after Surabaya. As metropolis, Worse luck not quit of of social problems and area that is increasingly ugly its(the quality. Town which been assumed has best urban planning among towns Hin-dia this Dutch, now many griped member of his(its like traffic jam and clutter lalulintas, air temperature strarting temperature, scattering garbage or relocation of cloister merchant fulfilling town plaza.

But, quit of various problemses of its(the urban planning, tourism town Malang can draw separate attention. From the angle of geographical, Worse luck profited by vinicity area natural beauty like Batu with its(the agrotourism, bath of Selecta, Songgoriti or ancient situssitus of ommission Kerajaan Singosari. Travelled distance that is is not far from town makes the travellers to make this town as place of halting-place and at the same time place of shopping.

The choice is fair because ability of economic trade in this very big town. Commerce area of like Jalan Merdeka Timur or Jalan Solvent supermarket of mela-yani requirement of member. Not only requirement of towny Malang but also member surounding like from Blitar, Kediri, and Tulungagung.

This commerce can change tourism concept Kota Malang from health resort town becomes town wisata shopping. Economic activity total the year 1999 showing commercial sector, hotel and restaurant becomes the biggest contributor second. Its(the value Rp 1,8 trillion. 61 percentage of productive age resident of this town earns life in commercial sector.

Besides commerce, Unlucky Town also is recognized as its(the industry. Assorted of industry like food, beverage, [crafting/ diligence] of gold and silver until garmen stands up in this town.

Area Kotalama full of medium fairish industry until weight, also ceramics [crafting/ diligence]. [crafting/ diligence] of kera-mik in Dinoyo for example, starts growing and gets place in ceramic pencinta circle in Fatherland.

Industrial sector, which is 37 percentage of economics activity total, becomes the biggest contributor. Its(the value Rp 2,26 trillion. This industrial commodity can pierce export marketing. Only unhappily realized export Kota Malang years lately its(the value is always declines. From value total 74,5 million US dollars, me-nurun its(the half becomes 30,9 million US dollars in the year 1999, and the year 2000 downwards again became 20,1 million dollars AS.

One of step gone through to excite again this industrial sector, be through?via forming of center information service below(under wings of Kantor Departemen Perindustrian and Perdagangan. Expected center this service can become link between buyers and corporate world, especially small and medium scale business.

Education town

Other excess recognized from Kota Malang is tradition of its(the education. Ommission schools of Dutch like HIS ( as of level of SD), Mulo ( SLTP), AMS ( SMU), and HBS ( College) historically makes education is not as thing strangers(foreigners for towny. Particularly when Education College of Guru-Sekarang Country University Ma-langpada October 1954 build. At That Moment Worse luck becomes the only town

has college, besides town mother provinsi.

If plan the year 2001 or 2002 making Country Islamic Religion College ( STAIN) as terealisation university, hence Kota Malang will be known as town having three country universities at the same time, consorts Universitas Brawijaya and Universitas Negeri Malang

which has in advance stands up. Now, town with resident 751000 men is has 41 colleges, either country and also private sector, with 121000 students.

Education sector, if tilled with interest serious actually can give contribution to town economics. Presence of student that is mostly comes from outside town influential for economics growth. Impact which seen direct is leasing house house appearance which many dispersions around campus. In sub-district Ketawang Gede, for example, project of extension of Kampus Universitas Brawijaya happened the year 1981, simply

Together with smallening of wide areal rice field

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