Sunday 18 May 2008

Social Statics

Social Statics

With social statics is meant by Comte as theory about public base order. As called as to be above, Comte divides sociology into two parts having unegual position. Even if social statics is part which more elemter in sociology but the position is fairly not important compared to social dinamics. Function of from social statics is to look for laws about action and reaction of than various parts in a social system. So if social dinamics tried to look for laws about social symptoms in difference of time from a growth, hence social statics looks for laws about coincident social symptoms the happening. If in social dynamic Comte arises four laws, hence in social statics he submits four doctrines that is doctrine about individual, family, public and state.

1. The doctrine of individual the

2. The ddoctrine of the family

3. The doctrine of the society

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