Tuesday 13 May 2008



Beethoven is generation of revolution France so that the idea’s is hardly influenced by freedom idea and high selfregard. He is borne in town Bonn, riverbank Rhine, Jerman. Father and the grandfather have ever become palace singer, at epoch Prince Electroc Max Friedrich. Bethoven is borne in less fortunate family area. Its(the father a heavy drunkard so that in young relative age of Ludwig must assist mother and both the sister?brothers. At the age of 11 years, Beethoven have been referred as organic assistant in prince palace. In the next year, s(he have been believe to hold harpsichord at palace orchestra.

When paying a visit to Wina, he is given opportunity to play at at orchestra build by Mozart. Beethoven have ever learnt together with Haydn at the expense of Elektronik in Wina, Austria. As a pianis, Beethoven have ever worked for Prince Lichnowsky, Prince Lobkowitz, and nob Razumanovsky. Archuduce Rudolp, emperor sister x'self studying at the same time nearness friend. By then, though a young jenius, s(he is nicknamed [by] ordinary people prince. But, s(he is proud with with the epithet.

When invasion Napoleon, Prince Lichowsky insists on Beethoven to amuse the heroic of perancis. But silently kept quiet Beethoven to leave palace. Angrily Beethoven destroys his own friend statue writing a leaf of paper which its contents, " whose the Prince,…..Who is you? You has not comprehended whose I? Strength is rigid man morale capable to stand up and that is me".

Saying once the young eagle is being tries develops this wing exactly starts losing of its(the hearing. But, exactly in situation that unable to profit as a deaf musicians, Beethoven can yield remarkable masterpiece masterpiece. He is have strong opinion? sight in maintaining its(the idea idea. Password, " Progress will be reached if man who is overcoming stress to reach victory by liking goal."

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