Wednesday 30 April 2008



Mozart is borne in Salzburg, child of from Leopold Mozart. He starts walking its(the career as extraordinary child tutor in area history of artistry. Its(the music talent marking started seen since s(he is having age five years. At the age of six years he is called [by] queen Maria Theresia to demonstrate ability of its(the music in its(the palace. In the next years, he follows its father to various Negara for example to Paris, London, and Munich.

Since age 13 years, Mozart has showed its(the music talent is remarkable by creating, concerto, simponio, religious masterpiece, opera buffa, operetta Bastian, and Bastine.

In the year 1782, Mozart marries Conztantine Waber though unapproved by its(the old fellow. Mozart gets motivation for having masterpiece from its(the palace. He reachs popularity top when making opera The Mariege of Figaro in the year 1876. s(he dies in the year 1791 nearing anniversary to 36.

Some its(the famous masterpieces for example The Mariege of Figaro, Don Giovanni, Cost Fan Tatte, The Abduction from the seraglio, and The Magic Flute.

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